Hemorrhoids are swelling of the veins in the anus like varicose veins in the legs. It is a common health problem that is painful, bleeding and disrupts the quality of life as a result of clustering and blood clotting in it.

Hemorrhoids can be in stage 1, where a simple thrombosed (clotted) hemorrhoidal knot is drained, after which it is possible for the patient to return to normal life the very next day.

Hemorrhoids can also be at stage 4, which requires a major surgical procedure with a stapling method (stapled hemorrhoidectomy) in which the rectal opening is completely removed. The process is painful and requires a long rest.

The treatment options for hemorrhoids (laser, clamping /Longo's method/, knot excision, etc.) depend on the severity of the problem.

According to our many years of experience, our recommendations are: proper nutrition, use of creams and other medical treatments, which are largely effective. It is advisable not to rush into surgical treatment as this also carries the risk of serious pain.