It is a modern surgical method used in the treatment of obesity and related metabolic diseases. What is metabolic surgery? It is a method that is especially effective for type 2 diabetes and metabolic problems. This method offers a promising option. In addition to controlling obesity, it provides direct effects on metabolism. With these effects, the general health status of patients is improved.
Who Are Suitable Candidates for Metabolic Surgery?
It is applied in obesity and obesity-related metabolic diseases. It is an effective method. However, not every individual is suitable. It is applied to patients who meet certain criteria. In order for the surgery to yield successful results, patient selection must be made correctly.
Eligible candidates must have a body mass index of 35 and above. Patients with a BMI between 30-35 and serious metabolic disorders can also benefit. Individuals with problems such as hypertension and sleep apnea are evaluated for surgery. These people are among the suitable candidates. In these people, surgical procedures make it easier to control metabolic problems and improve the quality of life.
Metabolic surgery candidates must have tried traditional methods before surgery. People who fail to lose weight with these methods are suitable candidates for surgery. In addition, the health condition must be suitable for surgery.
It is not applied to patients with serious heart conditions or other medical disabilities. Additionally, candidates must be willing and committed to changing their lifestyle.
Psychological evaluation is also very important. It requires physical and psychological preparation. For this reason, candidates are subjected to a comprehensive evaluation by an expert team during the preparation process.
What is Metabolic Surgery? How To?
It consists of methods used in the treatment of obesity and metabolic diseases. This process aims to restore metabolic balance through structural changes in the digestive system. The surgical method is applied with different techniques depending on the person's health status, disease history and metabolic needs.
One of the most common metabolic surgery methods is gastric sleeve surgery. In this procedure, a large part of the stomach is removed. A smaller tube-shaped stomach is created. In this way, stomach capacity decreases. Additionally, food intake is controlled. In addition, metabolic balance is achieved by regulating gastrointestinal hormones.
Gastric bypass is another common method. In this procedure, the stomach is reduced in size. Part of the intestines are disabled. Thus, by reducing the absorption rate of nutrients, weight loss is supported and blood sugar balance is achieved.
Duodenal switch is a more complex method used for patients with advanced obesity. In this procedure, the stomach is reduced in size. A large part of the small intestines is rearranged. In this way both food intake and absorption are significantly reduced.
It is usually performed by laparoscopic method, that is, closed surgery technique. It is less painful than open surgery. Also, the recovery time is shorter. Before the surgery, the patient undergoes a detailed evaluation and the operation plan is made accordingly.
It is important to make lifestyle changes after surgery. This process, supported by diet and exercise, provides successful results.
After Metabolic Surgery
In the period after metabolic surgery, patients must physically adapt to a new process. Psychological adaptation is also an important part of this process. This process greatly affects the success of the surgery. It is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Continuing regular doctor check-ups is a critical requirement for long-term success.
After the surgery, patients are kept for a few days. During this period, pain control is provided. Fluid intake is regulated. Possible complications are monitored. After patients are discharged, nutrition progresses in certain stages.
It starts with a liquid diet in the first days. It continues with puree and soft foods. After a few weeks, the transition to solid foods is made, but this process may proceed at a different pace for each patient.
One of the most important steps after surgery is to create a balanced nutrition program. This program should be prepared under the guidance of a dietitian and doctor. Inadequate nutritional intake causes vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Wrong eating habits can also cause these deficiencies. Therefore, it is necessary to take vitamin supplements regularly.
Patients should promote weight loss and maintain muscle mass by exercising regularly. An exercise program is started a few weeks after the surgery. It is arranged according to the physical capacity of the patient.
Psychological support is also very important. It is important to adapt to new eating habits and accept body changes after weight loss. Psychological counseling is recommended to keep motivation high during this process. What is metabolic surgery? For those looking for an answer to the question, this disciplined approach improves both health and quality of life.